Camacho will go to La Paz on Thursday to testify, he says that “to keep silent is to offend the people's struggle.”

The governor of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, pledged his presence before the Public Ministry for this Thursday at 9:00 in the morning, in the city of La Paz. «I’m going to be», assured during a press conference held today.

Camacho said that will attend to the city of La Paz to «tell the truth» and assures that «to keep silence is to offend the struggle of an entire people «.

The governor must appear this Thursday, October 7, as a defendant for the crimes of terrorism and sedition, in the lawsuit filed by former deputy Lidia Patty (MAS).

On several occasions the former civic leader assured that “we were going to show our faces” and will take advantage of his presence before the prosecution to to show that “there is only one truth and we are going to defend it. “

In Camacho’s opinion, the case opened by the attorney general Juan Lanchipa against him” follows the line of his boss (Evo Morales), who does not know how to justify his flight . Now the whole world knows that there was a fraud. ” the first flight to La Paz to attend the summons.

There was speculation about the possibility of making the statement in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. “ I have been summoned to testify in the city of La Paz , they have not summoned me to testify in another department,” said Camacho before confirming his trip to La Paz again.

Early this Monday, prosecutors went to Camacho’s home to deliver the notification. Last Friday night they also went to the governor’s home, but did not deliver the summons due to the time.

Prosecutor’s Office places the summons to Luis Fernando Camacho at the entrance of the condominium where he resides.

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