Because of litigation in Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi has health problems

ARCHIVE – Protesters in Myanmar’s neighboring country Thailand take to the streets with pictures of Aung San Suu Kyi. Photo: Andre Malerba / ZUMA Wire / dpa

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate asked the judge on Monday to appear in court only every two weeks instead of every week as before, Khin Maung Zaw told the DPA news agency. “She said that she had to go to court every weekday, which caused her state of health to suffer,” said the lawyer. The judge wants to decide on the request next week.

Suu Kyi has been under house arrest since the military coup in early February. In mid-September, she was unable to appear in person in court in the capital Naypyidaw for the first time due to illness. What exactly is missing is not known.

The judiciary accuses her of half a dozen offenses. Among other things, she has had to answer for violations of foreign trade laws, violations of corona measures, corruption and incitement to riot since mid-June. Long prison terms are threatened. Observers and human rights experts speak of a show trial and suspect that the junta wants to silence the popular politician in this way in the long term.

Suu Kyi had been under house arrest for a total of 15 years in the past. In 2016 she became the de facto head of government. She had won the parliamentary election in November by a large margin and secured a second term in office. The junta justified the coup with alleged electoral fraud.


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