ESPN and other channels return to DirecTV as it finally reaches a deal with Disney

Cheyenne MacDonald

After a two-week blackout, ESPN and other Disney-owned channels are back on DirecTV. The Walt Disney Company and DirecTV released a joint statement on Saturday announcing that they are in the process of finalizing a new contract, and that all channels affected by their dispute have been restored. That includes ABC, Freeform, FX and National Geographic channels. Disney yanked its networks off DirecTV at the beginning of September after the two companies failed to reach an agreement before their old contract expired. Inconveniently for sports fans, the blackout coincided with the start of football season.

The new multi-year contract brings Disney’s full linear suite of networks back to DirecTV, with package options for genre-focused channel bundles (sports, family, etc) and Disney’s streaming services — Disney+, Hulu an ESPN+. ESPN’s upcoming direct-to-consumer service, which is expected to launch this fall, will be included for free. In their statement, Disney and DirecTV said the new deal will give customers “the ability to tailor their video experience through more flexible options.” They also added, “We’d like to thank all affected viewers for their patience and are pleased to restore Disney’s entire portfolio of networks in time for college football and the Emmy Awards this weekend.”

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