Celebrating Charli Jane Speakers’ Legacy: 22+ Years of Opening Doors for Speakers

Charli Jane Speakers celebrates 22 years of empowering speakers worldwide to build thriving businesses and make an impact through transformative speaking opportunities.

For over two decades, Charli Jane Speakers, under the visionary leadership of founder Wendi McNeill, has been a guiding light for speakers worldwide, empowering them to build thriving businesses and secure transformative speaking opportunities.

What began as a passionate mission to open doors for speakers has blossomed into a global movement, with Charli Jane Speakers at the forefront of the industry. Through innovative resources, proven systems, and a vibrant community, McNeill has helped countless speakers navigate the path to success.

“My goal has always been to create a space where speakers can find the support and tools they need to share their message with the world,” McNeill shares. “Every speaking opportunity has the potential to spark extraordinary change.”

The Charli Jane Speakers Club, a cornerstone of the company’s offerings, provides members with exclusive access to an unparalleled suite of resources, including 100-200 curated speaking opportunities weekly, digital tools, courses, and a supportive community. With thousands of speakers achieving booked gigs and long-term success, the club has become a catalyst for consistent growth in the speaking industry.

This 20-year, proven program opens to new members only four times a year, ensuring dedicated support and service for current members. At $87/month, the membership offers an incredible value for speakers looking to grow their businesses and secure more speaking engagements.

“It’s not just about individual achievement; it’s about creating a ripple effect of inspiration and impact,” McNeill reflects. “Together, we have the power to shape the future of the speaking industry and open doors for countless voices to be heard.”

Learn more about Charli Jane Speakers and grab your free list of 50 events actively looking for speakers!


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