Claudio Ranieri is Watford's new coach

Claudio Ranieri has been confirmed as Watford’s new coach. The coach signed a contract for two seasons, announced today the 15th ranked club in the English Football League, on the official website.

The experienced Italian coach, who turns 70 this month, comes to occupy the place of Spaniard Xisco Muñoz, fired last weekend after seven Premier League matches, following the 1-0 defeat by Leeds, the fourth recorded by the Hornets in the ‘Premier League’ .

It is the return of Ranieri to the Premier League, he whose main achievement in his career is the title of champion of England, achieved with the modest Leicester in the fantastic season of 2015/2016.

Ranieri has been without a club since the end of last season, when he left his compatriots at Sampdoria, preparing now to start his fourth experience in England, where he has already coached Fulham (2018/19), Chelsea ( 2000 to 2004) and Leicester (2015 to 2017).

In a 35-year career as a coach, Ranieri has also coached clubs such as Napoli, Fiorentin Valencia, Atletico Madrid, Parma, Juventus, Roma, Inter Milan, Monaco or Nantes, as well as the Greek national team.

Xisco Muñoz was fired on Sunday, following the defeat by Leeds United, counting for the 7th round of the Premier League, thus carrying out the first ‘psychological lash’ in the top level of English football.

Watford occupies, after seven games, the 15th .º of the Premier League league table, with seven points, the result of two wins, one draw and four defeats. Georgia’s Tbilisi.

Watford, who this year returned to the ‘Premier League’, was eliminated from the English League Cup two weeks ago by second-tier Stoke.

*Article updated at 1805

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