Rajasthan Royals star Yashaswi Jaiswal overjoyed after getting autograph from MS Dhoni; Shares pictures

19-year-old Rajasthan Royals opener Yashaswi Jaiswal impressed viewers during his team’s most recent match against Chennai Super Kings in IPL 2021 at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium on Saturday after his scintillating 19-ball 50 made a significant contribution in Rajasthan Royals’ 7-wicket victory that night.

The youngster, who is apparently a huge fan of CSK and former Indian captain MS Dhoni, got his bat autographed by the legendary cricketer himself after the match. Yashaswi Jaiswal took to his social media account to share pictures of the moment and expressed his elation. “What a moment meeting the legendary @msdhoni sir and greatly elated by getting his signature on my bat. Always an inspiration!” his caption read. Yashaswi Jaiswal talked about his explosive innings as well as getting Dhoni’s signature post the match in a video interaction with Rajasthan Royals teammates Anuj Rawat and Shivam Dube uploaded on the IPL website.

“I was thinking about looking at the wicket first, but we were chasing 190, I knew the wicket must be good. I was just looking at capitalising on the loose balls and giving my team a good start so that we are able to chase 190. I took the signature of MS Dhoni on my bat after the match, I am really happy,” the young batsman said.

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