St. Pauli In Benidorm – fright and no going out

St. Pauli In Benidorm | Irvine fright and ban on going out

Jackson Irvine could only watch that afternoon - with a bandage on his left footFoto: WITTERS

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Jackson Irvine could in the afternoon just watch – with bandage on the left foot Photo: WITTERS

Article from: Michael Ackermann published on

Training interruption at St. Paulis early unit. Midfielder Jackson Irvine (28) ended early on Tuesday.

First the Australian hobbled across the square with his face contorted with pain, settling on the edge for minutes treat. With a thick bandage on his left foot, he was then driven to the main building in a golf cart.

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“Buchti stepped on his foot. We’ll look at it, ”said coach Timo Schultz (44). “It hurts for two or three days. We will try to diagnose it ourselves. At first I don’t fear anything. “

In addition to the training, there was also a conversation with the team council about the free Thursday. “Nobody should come up with the idea of ​​driving the Bulli into town to turn night into day,” explains Schultz, minimizing the risk.

“There are a few clear rules. The requirement is to stay on the system. There is a lot to offer here. As I know my nerd troop, 14 players still go to the weight room. “

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