Netflix: new series and movies to watch in October

It’s the return to business of Netflix’s most famous French family. Family Business is back for a third season and they are not the only ones to return to service. You stack up just like Locke &; Key while the latecomers will be able to binge-watcher the entire The Office. And “8 rue de l’humanite”, Dany Boon’s film on confinement, comes forward.

Netflix met à l'honneur les stars françaises du stand-up

Netflix honors the French stars of the stand- up in “One Night in Paris”. // Source: Netflix

What are you going to watch on Netflix in October? Original French content is in the spotlight, both in series and in film, with in particular the return of Family Business with Jonathan Cohen and Gérard Darmon, or the new film by Dany Boon and his cast of stars, 8 rue de l’homme

. And if you want to laugh, the stars of the stand-up of the Parisian scenes follow one another in One night in Paris , with Kyan Khohandi, Tom Villa or even Pierre-Emmanuel Barré and Kev Adams.

If you prefer American thrillers, don’t miss The Guilty with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ethan Hawke.

Series releases on Netflix in October 2021

And three! Family Business , the series made in France with Gérard Darmon, Jonathan Cohen or Julia Piaton is back for a 3rd season . This time, the Hazan find themselves at the bottom of an isolated monastery facing unpredictable kidnappers while trying to launch a new batch of products … To be continued from October 8.

La série Family Business revient pour une 3e saison

On the return of old acquaintances, Netflix launches the finale of On my block this October 4th. Ruby, Jamal, Monse and Cesar put their friendship to the test more than ever in the face of new threats. And the heroes of the ambiguous series You are also there.

We do not will be able to advise you too much the mini-series Maid, which we owe to the screenwriter of Orange is the news black et Shameless. This Netflix original series tells the story of a single mother who chooses a job as a housekeeper to survive. With Margaret Qualley ( The Leftovers, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood , etc.) in the lead role and Andy MacDowell (One Endless Day, 4 Weddings and a Funeral, Magic Mike…) in his mother’s .

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Already available in October:

    • Maid
    • Seinfeld the integral
  • Scissor Seven (season 3)
  • To come up :

    October 4 :

    • Blacklist (season 7)
  • On my block (final season)

  • October 7 : The way of the apron (season 1 part 2)
  • October 8 :

  • Family Business (season 3)
  • Pretty Smart (season 1)
  • Squeaky and Grinning Tales (Season 1)
  • October 9 : Blue Period
  • October 11 : The Baby-sitters (season 2)
  • October 15 :
    • You (season 3)
  • The Little Things (season 4)
  • The world of Karma
  • My name (season 1)

  • SWAT (seasons 1 to 3)
  • 21st of October : Julien Bam in full bug
  • October 22 :

  • Locke & Key season 2
  • Dynasty season 4
  • Inside Job
  • Maya Warrior Princess
  • October 23 : The Office (US) the integral

  • October 26 : Budapest
  • October 27 : Halloween

  • October 28 :
    • The cellphone
    • Luis Miguel the series

  • October 29 :
    • Mytho (season 2)
  • Time to forget you (season 1)

    Film and documentary releases on Netflix in October 2021

    Announced in spring, 8 street of humanity, Dany Boon’s film recounting the adventures of the inhabitants of a Parisian building during the 2020 confinement, will be available on October 20.

    The Guilty arrives with his star cast (Jake Gyllenhaal, Ethan Hawke, Peter Sarsgaard) and his story from the Danish film Den Skyldige (The Guilty in French) released in 2018. A police inspector is forced to manage the emergency call center and faces a woman in danger. But he discovers that the case is much more complex than it seems.

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    And if you are documentary lovers, don’t miss the the story of Colin Kaepernick, former star quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, the man who put on one knee against racism in the United States. The journey of a young black man raised in a white family who would become a player as much adulated as controversial in the America of Donald Trump.

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