Watch the 2021 Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards

The Nation cofounded Covering Climate Now with Columbia Journalism Review in 2019, forming a consortium that now has over 450 member organizations all working to nurture more—and better—climate journalism. On October 6 at 4 pm ET, join NBC News’ Al Roker and Savannah Sellers as they host the first annual Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards honoring extraordinary climate journalism produced by newsrooms large and small around the world.

The 2021 Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards special provides a global snapshot of the climate emergency as told through the exemplary work of the world’s best climate journalists. Special guests Vanessa Nakate, a climate justice activist from Uganda, and Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy, underscore the essential role of journalists at this moment that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has termed a “code red for humanity.”

The award-winning print reporters, photojournalists, digital, television, and radio journalists, podcasters, and commentators were selected from a field of nearly 600 entries submitted from every continent except Antarctica. These journalists are leading the way with eye-opening firsthand accounts of a planet in crisis, inspiring stories of survival and resilience, and hard-hitting investigative reports that hold power to account. You can check out the finalists and their work at Covering Climate Now.

This video special is decidedly not your typical awards show. The winning journalists are joined by the founders of Covering Climate Now and members of the distinguished judging jury to illuminate the defining story of our time through the compelling and creative journalism these awards honor.

Be sure to check back on October 6 at 4 pm ET to watch the livestream!

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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