MP will investigate alleged interference by Michelle Bolsonaro in Caixa

The Federal District Attorney’s Office decided to investigate First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro about favoring friends’ companies with loans at Caixa Econômica Federal, according to Crusoé magazine published this Friday.

*) The magazine said it had obtained e-mails and documents from nominees to receive the financing, and that Michelle would have made arrangements with the bank’s president, Pedro Guimarães, to obtain loans for merchants and small businessmen in the service sector.

In the same month, in the midst of the Covi-19 crisis, small companies complained about the difficulty in obtaining credit lines from Caixa so as not to close deals.

Second TV Globo, CEF released a note clarifying that it has already granted loans via Pronampe to more than 240,000 Micro and Small Businesses (MPE) and all of them have complied with a previous requirement of the Federal Revenue of Brazil and rigorous analysis as an internal procedure.

The survey is also aimed at purify the supposed political pressure of Guimarães on the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) that prevents the entity from adhering to a manifesto organized by the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).

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