Files and the omniscient eye: this is how Google extends the Chrome browser

Chromebook Head
via Anete Lūsiņa, Unsplash

Google is planning the next extensions for its browser, which will integrate other Google services. This includes finally integrating Google Lens, which has been known for a little longer. Now there was the official announcement by Google at an in-house SearchOn event. You can then simply mark an area in Chrome with the mouse or directly analyze a complete image using Google Lens and initiate a search.

Find files from Google Drive faster

Another innovation concerns the New Tab Page, which currently only makes suggestions for websites. The user is free to display frequently used files from Google Drive there in the future. This new function should then be available in the coming weeks.

“End users can access their drive files directly from the new Chrome Desktop tab the highest priority. The easily accessible user interface saves the end user time and mental stress to navigate to relevant files. “

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