Villa sales price higher than last year… In Seoul, villas sell more than apartments

Apartment prices soared, and even Jeonse prices soared at a fast pace
Demand for buying and selling my own house For cheap villas Focused

Villa sales price rises the most in 12 years last year

yunhap news

As apartment prices soared and Jeonse prices skyrocketed, the demand for buying and selling my own house increased.

Villa sales price is relatively cheap Last year, the increase was the largest nationwide in 12 years, but this year the upward trend is steeper than last year. In the case of Seoul, where apartment prices are the most expensive in the country, villa sales are higher than apartment sales, and this has been going on for 9 months this year.

According to KB Kookmin Bank’s monthly house price trend time series statistics on the 22nd and Yonhap News, the cumulative increase rate of the nationwide row house sales price until August this year was 4.66%, last year It far exceeded the rate of increase (2.61%) during the same period.

Villas nationwide last year The increase in sales price was 6.47%, the highest in 12 years since 2008 (7.87%). The price of villas, which had been on the decline since the beginning of the year, increased from 0.22% in June to 0.59% in July, and rose 0.82% in last month, renewing the highest rate of increase this year.

If this trend continues, the nationwide villa sales price this year will rise to the highest rate in 13 years. It is expected to be replaced.

The price of villas, which were relatively quiet compared to apartments, has recently risen markedly again in the metropolitan area.
The increase rate of villa sales in the metropolitan area decreased to 0.24% in June, then 0.68% in July and 0.95% in August for two consecutive months. The increase has increased, reaching a monthly high this year. In addition, the cumulative increase rate (5.41%) from January to August this year surpassed the increase rate (3.42%) during the same period last year

The rate of increase in the sale price of villas in Seoul also increased from 0.22% in June to 0.63% in July and 0.73% in August, increasing for two consecutive months, with a cumulative increase rate of 4.73% from January to August of this year. This is 1.7 times higher than the cumulative increase rate (2.77%) in the same period last year.

Gyeonggi and Incheon also recorded an increase of 6.02% and 6.24%, respectively, from January to August this year, exceeding the rates of 4.84% and 2.23% in the same period last year. In particular, in Incheon, where apartment prices rose the most among 17 metropolitan cities and provinces this year, the rate of increase in villa sales prices surpassed the annual increase rate of last year (4.85%).

Park Won-gap, senior real estate expert at KB Kookmin Bank, said, “Apartment prices soared. “As apartment prices nationwide and jeonse prices rise, the anxiety of homeless people who want to buy a villa is acting as an increase in sales demand and an increase in prices,” he said. In Seoul, the phenomenon that villas sell more than apartments has been going on for 9 months.

According to the Seoul Real Estate Information Plaza as of today, the number of sales of multi-family and row houses in Seoul registered this month (based on the contract date) is 1,000 so far. 189, which is about three times the number of apartment sales (412).

This month There is still about a week left, and when the registration report deadline (30 days) is taken into account, the absolute number will change in the future, but it is difficult to change the relative trend since both villas and apartments are compared at the same time.

Until last year, it was common for apartment sales to be 2-3 times higher than for villa sales.
Because domestic housing market consumers absolutely prefer apartments to villas.
However, starting from January this year, A reversal of sales is occurring.

Villa sales are 5,838 in January Cases, February 4,479 cases, March 5,147 cases, April 5,713 cases, May 620 cases, June 5,486 cases, July 4,859 cases, August 4,112 cases , September 1,189 cases.

Apartment sales are 5,798 in January 3,874 cases in February, 3,789 cases in March, 3,667 cases in April, 4,897 cases in May, 3,945 cases in June, 4,698 cases in July, 3,858 cases in August , 412 cases in September.

Tiredness due to short-term price surge and loan regulation, etc. Although apartment sales decreased significantly in the aftermath of

As the apartment rental prices soared at a rapid rate, it is analyzed that the demand to buy a house in Seoul is the result of turning to relatively inexpensive villas.

Also in Seoul, even the basement floor of a villa with an exclusive area of ​​less than 60㎡ this year’s average deposit (14.35 million won) Once this 100 million won is exceeded, it seems that the demand for rental of villas is rapidly shifting to sales demand.
Here, after the inauguration of Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, the trend of deregulation policy for redevelopment has continued, and the sale of villas in Seoul is relatively active and the price is also rising.

The plan to change the basic urban residential environment improvement plan, which aims to abolish the residential maintenance index system, which has been considered the biggest obstacle to the redevelopment project in Seoul, after 6 years It was approved at the meeting of the Urban Planning Committee.

Kim Je-kyung, Director of Tumi Real Estate Consulting said, There are more villas than apartments for sale. It reflects the expectations of the city’s redevelopment policy,” he said.

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