IQiyi cancels advanced episodes on-demand and member-viewable content promotional videos

iQiyi is currently the first video platform that proposes to cancel the super point.

Event timeline:

In August 2019, Tencent Video “Chen Qing Ling” opened Advanced on-demand mode of Chinese drama series;

In December 2019, Tencent Video and iQiyi jointly broadcast “Celebrating the New Year”, 50 advanced on-demand Yuankan 6 episodes caused a large number of user complaints;

In June 2020, iQiyi’s “Qing Yu Nian” was convicted of violation of the law and mode There is nothing wrong; in August of the same year, Tencent Video’s “Qing Yu Nian” advanced on-demand case was lost;

August 2021, Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee The post stated that the suspected bundling sales will be unlocked in order, ignoring the consumer’s right to choose;

September 2021, the China Consumers Association issued a notice stating the video The website should be less routine and more sincere;

In September 2021, the video platform will modify the advanced on-demand rules to unlock the optional episode;

In October 2021, iQiyi was the first to announce the cancellation of advance on-demand.

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