Ceca and Marija are hilarious about the fall of social networks: “I wish they died!”, “There was a bombing this morning”

The singers claim that they did not shake at all, and that they are not afraid of hackers

Pop stars Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic and Marija Šerifović commented today on social media crash that happened on Monday night

Ceca, answering questions from journalists, pointed out that she did not dependent on social networks and that she didn’t even feel the attack.

– Fell, fell! What should I do for him? It fell to everyone not just me. I am not burdened with social networks. I worked with candidates, such as Instagram – said Ceca and added that she is not afraid of hacker attacks when it comes to her networks:

– I’m not afraid of hackers, I’m absolutely not burdened by it. I just know that “Whatsapp” woke me up this morning, it was bombarded with messages. (laughter)

On the other hand, Marija Serifovic jokingly commented that I wouldn’t mind the networks disappearing forever:

– I didn’t even realize, we were filming . I realized only later, when we came home – Maria began.

Let’s give a little to the soul. I read last night about conspiracy theories … I wish all the nets had died! Is that really the topic today, motherfucker ?! (laughter) I didn’t get distracted for a second, Viber worked for me. (laughter) I understand people for whom it’s a job, but to me this is fun. Maybe the reason is that we filmed all day, so we spent a good part of the time in that – said Serifović.

Video: Deep neckline, gold chains and high heels: Ceca in an orange suit arrived to film ZG


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