“Cryptocurrencies, impossible to destroy”, the definitive words of Elon Musk. But China does not stand still

Gianluigi Ballarani , professor of Digital Marketing at the University of Pavia, talks about how it is developing the world of cryptocurrencies: “While Elon Musk defined crypto currencies as” unstoppable “, these days the regulators continue to monitor the crypto world and for the umpteenth time the China has declared war on this coin. The goal of cpyto is to reduce the power of governments and obviously governments don’t like that. But the very nature of digital currencies is to be decentralized, it means that there is no body or company to deal with. Anyone can participate. The Bitcoin does not have a central server, they are spread across thousands of computers around the world and therefore it is impossible to block them. And for this Musk considers them unstoppable and invested a billion dollars earlier this year in Bitcoin. Even nations have now entered this world, like El Salvador, for example. Bitcoin was created in 2010 but we are only at the beginning “.

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