Far Cry 6 – pre-release performance tests are not optimistic. A high-refresh monitor is useless

Far Cry 6 – przedpremierowe testy wydajności nie napawają optymizmem. Na nic nam monitor o wysokim odświeżaniu Tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. PurePC will be getting an extensive review of Far Cry 6 and a few dozen hours later you can expect an equally extensive performance test of the game. However, before “pjur” floods you with information about the title game, now you have a chance to get acquainted with the preliminary data on how the production works in the PC version. The opportunity arose because Ubisoft had already lifted the embargo on streams, so the first reports on performance appeared on the web. Far Cry 6 has a classic built-in benchmark that allows you to see how many frames per second our PC is able to generate. On John Papadopoulos’ YouTube channel (DSOGaming) there was a recording of several such tests carried out on the benchmark.

The first The revelations about Far Cry 6’s performance indicate that PC owners will have a hard time.

“src=” http://www.purepc.pl/image/news/2021/10/05_far_cry_6_przedpremierowe_testy_wydajnosci_nie_napawaja_animizmem_na_nic_nam_monitor_o_wysokim_odswiezaniu_0.jpg “>

Game premieres – October 2021. In What to play? New features include: Alan Wake Remastered, Far Cry 6 and Age of Empires IV

For the above-mentioned tests, a computer consisting of an Intel Core i9-9900K processor with 16 GB of DDR4 memory (3600 MHz) and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 graphics was used. The PC ran on a 64-bit Windows 10 system, with NVIDIA GeForce graphics driver version 472.12 As we can see in the video below, Far Cry 6 relies heavily on one thread / core, even though the game could use additional threads. individual tests do not look the best Choosing Ultra graphics settings, both at 1440p and even resolutions at 1080p, the DSOG editor was unable to average at least 120 frames per second.

Far Cry 6 on PC will receive support for Ray Tracing and AMD FSR. The new video presents a graphic design with ultra settings

It is true that it received “golden “60 FPS at Full HD, but in the era of monitors with 144 Hz refresh rate and above, this result is completely unsatisfactory. The second DSOG editor, who used a slightly weaker processor (Intel Core i7-3930K) for testing together with the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 card, was not able to jump over 60 FPS, even on medium graphics settings. At the moment, both editors note that the situation is most likely due to the game’s improper use of the hardware. In the case of tests on the Intel Core i7-3930K, the game was supposed to use the CPU only in 40%, and the GPU in 60%. For now, we can only hope that the patch usually released on October 7th will improve the performance situation.

Source: YouTube

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