Duh, Terawan Vaccine Volunteers Can't Use Care Protect

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Nusantara Vaccine Volunteers concoction of former Minister of Health Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) dr. Terawan Agus Putranto revealed that they could not use the vaccine as a condition of travel in the PeduliLindung application. Chairman of Commission IX DPR RI Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena in a virtual press conference, Wednesday (6/10/2021).

have not been able to use the facilities at PeduliLindungi for travel,” he said.

According to him, the Nusantara Vaccine will only be connected to PeduliLindung if clinical trials and distribution permits have been granted by BPOM.

“Because this is connected with international data to data in Indonesia. This is connected to international data,” said Melki.

Nusantara Vaccine Researcher, dr. Daniel Tjen, SpS, said that the authority to include the dendritic vaccine in the Care to Protect list rests with the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

“So I think whether this Nusantara vaccine goes to Care for Protect, I think this is the authority of the Minister of Health,” said Dr. Daniel.

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