Jorge Macri pointed out against Máximo Kirchner: “what mom wants is no longer done”

After the criticism of Máximo Kirchner to the opposition for not giving a quorum yesterday for the special session in the one that was going to debate the project of frontal labeling in the foods, among other subjects. The mayor of Vicente López, Jorge Macri , came out at the crossroads and pointed at the deputy of the Frente de Todos.

“In Máximo Kichner’s demonstration stating that we put obstacles to the session there is a first to announce that what mom wants is no longer done and that is good for Argentina,” Macri said during an interview with La Nación Más (LN +).

And he added: “It seems to me that for Kirchnerism the need to seek a consensus is seen as extortion.”

On the other hand, the Buenos Aires mayor also highlighted the need for consensus in the country.

“In Argentina we debate how public policies are built and we talk about agreements and the Moncloa pact, but I think that for there to be public policies there must be alternation – in power- because if the opposition has the perception of being a government, surely it will accompany intelligent and useful measures for when that political space arrives, “he explained.

Macri reiterated that the opposition is willing to “accompany proposals, but not treating Congress as if it were a clerk’s office. ”

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