Horror moments… A motorcyclist miraculously survived the collapse of a large building next to him (video)

7/10/2021| Last update: 7/10/ 202104:47 PM (Mecca)

A video taken from a car front camera showed a motorcyclist miraculously escaping the collapse of a building on it in eastern Taiwan.

The Manpu Hotel collapsed Holiday) suddenly a few days ago, to frighten passers-by and people in the place.

In the video, the motorcyclist appears wearing a light blue jacket, black pants and a helmet on the side On the right side of the screen, after the driver passed the traffic light, a green 7-storey building appeared on the right side of the street.

When the motorbike reached the building, the latter started In the fall towards the bike, the driver maneuvers and walks diagonally to avoid both the building and the car stopped at the traffic light in front of him, and it appears that the cyclist barely managed to avoid hitting the building. The authorities later determined the identity of the victim

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