Members of the People's Democratic Republic of the South reiterate, stand side by side “General Prayut”

Prime Minister’s mission today to check the flood response plan. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province But the connotation that may be seen is going to make the picture that Southern Pracharat MPs ready to support General Prayut Amid rumors of divisions in the power of Pracharath

today (7 October 2021), Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha dropped a sweet word “Love Jung Hoo because think about it, so come to People in the South really love, right?” with the villagers waiting to welcome the visit to the area. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province throughout all areas traveled both around Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan Khlong Na Mueang area Phutthapoom Road and the Mango Song Ton Subdistrict Community Found a group of villagers waiting to welcome some. The general public will be rigorously checked before entering the area. Today, the Prime Minister is in a particularly good mood because the supporters welcomed

It is worth noting that today’s visit to Nakhon Si Thammarat province was attended by MPs from the southern part of the Pracharat Party. Due to reinforce the support General Prayut After earlier, Col. Suchart Chantarachotikul, the leader of the Pracharath Party in the South expressed his intention to resign from party members to support a new political party There is also Democratic Party MPs The coalition government joined in as well. Shows handshake alongside the government
The Prime Minister is satisfied with the flood response plan of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. In particular, the construction of a water diversion canal project, with a budget of more than 9,000 million baht, is expected to be completed next year. This will help drain the water that flows into the city. Previously, there were only 5 canals, which were not enough to drain an average of 750 cubic seconds per second


The Prime Minister also wants people to follow the news of rainfall. and prepare moving plans and has prepared to find a budget to heal, especially in agriculture that has been affected by floods and confirmed that the state was trying to solve the debt problem Before saying goodbye to the villagers with the word Jaja and holding a hand symbol of love that seems to have become a symbol of the Prime Minister

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Nakhon Si Police warn people to ban “Throwing rotten eggs – cursing the Prime Minister” while visiting the area

Second security guard received “General Prayut” to visit the area of ​​Nakhon Si Thammarat province

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