YouTube completely stops with end-of-year videos Rewind

‘YouTube too big’ 4 minutes ago Adjusted: 1 minute ago

YouTube ad revenue increased by half. Image © Joseph Okpako/Getty Images

YouTube will no longer make year-end videos. The company today announced the end of the Rewind.

The videos showed the most popular YouTube videos of the year in a short compilation of several minutes. But the platform has grown too big to capture all the important moments in such a short time, writes the site Tubefilter

based on an interview with the platform. Tubefilter’s article was tweeted by an official YouTube account. From now on, the platform would transfer the official summary videos to content creators, who have been making such end-of-year videos for some time. That does not mean that YouTube will spend money to fund these films. They will be posted on the site’s main social media channels.


Last year

No YouTube Rewind video this year: ‘2020 is too strange’

Last ‘real’ rewind in 2018

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