CEREJEIRAS: former mayor is investigated by the MP for land donation to the OAB and the Chamber has a deadline to transfer a copy of the Law's approval

Former Mayor Airton Gomes / Photo: Extra de Rondônia

The Public Ministry of Rondônia (MP/RO), through the action of the Public Prosecutor, Analice da Silva, initiated a civil inquiry to investigate alleged illegal donation of public land sponsored, in theory, by Airton Gomes, former mayor of Cerejeiras, to the sectional of the Portuguese Bar Association do Brasil (OAB) of that city.

As a result, the inspection and control agency initiated a civil inquiry diffuse or collective public “with the objective of investigating the practice of administrative misconduct related irregularity in the donation of urban property, called Lot 03, of Quadra A-12, Sector A, with a total area of ​​160.00 m², effected between the Municipality de Cerejeiras and the Brazilian Bar Association – OAB, Subsection of Cherry”.

  • Since the prosecutor determined the following steps:

    “ 1. I designate the servers assigned to the 2nd Public Prosecutor’s Office to act as secretary for the work, pursuant to art. 9, item V, of Resolution 05/2010-CPJ, determining as initial measures:

    1. Proceed with the necessary changes in the Process Control System of this Institution, changing its Class to Public Civil Inquiry, keeping all the previous history;

    2. Please add this ordinance at the beginning of the procedure by enumerating it with 2-ae 2-b , in order to avoid the renumbering of the records and place a deadline control label on the cover of the case, for easy identification and handling;

  • III. The extract of this Ordinance is disclosed in the Electronic Gazette of the Public Ministry of the State of Rondônia (DEMP/RO) 3 , as provided for in art. 9, paragraph 2, of Joint Resolution No. 1/2013/PGJ-CG and art. 25, §2, I, of Resolution 5/2010-CPJ; IV. Please send a copy of this Ordinance to the Mayor, the Mayor of Cerejeiras and the President of the OAB Cerejeiras subsection, for information.

    Please send an Official Letter to the OAB Cerejeiras Subsection to request, within 10 (ten) two useful clarifications about why the construction of the urban property, named Lot 03, of Quadra A-12, Sector A, with a total area of ​​160.00 m², only started in August 2021, when, in reality, they should have if started until May 2020, according to the content of Municipal Law 2.706/2018; Send an official letter to the Municipality of Cerejeiras to request, within 10 (ten) working days, a full copy of the Legislative Procedure that approved Law No. 2385/2015, which authorized the Municipality to donate the urban property, called Lot 03 , from Quadra A-12, Sector A, with a total area of ​​160.00 m² to the OAB, Cherry Trees Subsection. ”

    Procedure, which would constitute an act of impropriety, was filed on October 4th by the prosecutor Analice da Silva / Photo: Extra de Rondônia (file)

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