They greet from Puerto Rico Latin American Theater Day

Havana, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) The Puerto Rican theater company Rosa Márquez today sent a message to the cultural institution based in Cuba Casa de las Américas , on the eve of the celebration for the Latin American Theater Day tomorrow, October 8.

The digital site La Ventana, owned by the entity, shared the letter in which Márquez transmits a greeting from the Caribbean to the Latin American Center for Theatrical Creation and Research and its director Carlos Lanni amid the ‘pandemic uncertainty’.

The researcher thanked the regional theater entity and the Cuban cultural institution for the invitation to celebrate the theater, for the recognition of your country as part of the continent and for always maintaining the link with its cultural projects.

Puerto Rico, with a Latin American history , similar cultures, native populations that suffered similar paths, she takes the stage as an illegitimate daughter seeking recognition in a profession as elusive as ours (…), she wrote.

Márquez proposed sharing the multiple theatricalities that are manifested in the countries and the theatrical continent, which include both the hegemonic representations of the the medium as the multiple manifestations brought from the popular and excluded from the official history.

The student shared anecdotes related to her experience in the art of tables, which she drinks from multiple sources and is enriched by the emblematic rigor of dances from Asia and animated fables of the African oral tradition.

‘The Latin American Theater is an undeniable fact. Since our beginnings as towns, residents or invaders, it continues to be present in the Caribbean and on the mainland, from the Rio Grande to a remote town in the peaks of the Andes, ‘he said.

Likewise, he said that his presence can also be felt ‘from a parking lot in San Juan to the windows of an abandoned store in a Latin neighborhood in the United States, from the golden sands of the Atlantic, to the singing stones of the Pacific and ( even beyond the clouds) ‘.

Long live Latin American theater now and forever !, he concluded.

msm / yrv

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