Tesla car sales are growing despite the global shortage of chips

Q3 2021 was very good for Tesla, because they sold 241,300 cars in that period. That’s as much as 102,000 more cars sold than in the same period last year. At the same time, one of the world’s largest car manufacturers, GM, sold 446,997 cars, but this represents a 33 percent drop in sales for this company compared to the same period last year.

Tesla is wanted

How did Tesla manage to achieve such a good result in sales? The answer is in the adaptability of the company. Namely, while other manufacturers reduced production due to the global shortage of chips, Tesla reoriented itself to other chip manufacturers and adapted the software for these new components. Also, the increase in sales was contributed by the start of sales of Tesla Model Y cars in Europe, as well as the fact that the company entered the Chinese market relatively recently. This opened up a huge space for growth, so it can be expected that their numbers will increase in the coming quarters.

Rapid growth was not hindered by the negative situations related to company. Tesla is still under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board in the US, due to recent incidents while driving autonomously. Also, just a few months ago, the company had to withdraw 300,000 vehicles from the Chinese market. And we must not forget the postponement of the start of sales of Cybertruck, an electric pick-up vehicle.

Either way, Tesla once again proved to be a “tough” and flexible company which, unlike traditional car giants, very quickly and successfully adapts to all market changes.

Source: PC Press

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