Confirmed by the official announcement: Princess Charlene will be operated on today under total anesthesia

Princess Charlene’s disease – last procedure as part of complicated treatment

He will only last a little longer and he will finally be able to return home. All that Charlene of Monaco needs to do well to recover after surgery, the last procedure as part of a complicated treatment, which will be performed today under total anesthesia. At least that is stated in the official announcement of the Foundation of the Princess of Monaco , who wished her a speedy recovery after the operation.

Read: Far from family – Princess Charlene from “captivity” in Africa sent an important message (photo)

Christian Sperka

In her homeland, South Africa, Charlene has been “trapped” since February, when she was a seemingly harmless infection. sinus became a pretty serious problem. Doctors do not allow her to get on the plane because she might not be able to withstand the pressure at such a height, and the flight to Europe takes a long time. She was recently visited by her husband Albert and children , so it is easier to bear the situation. After today’s intervention, everything should be fine again.

Read: Prince Albert spoke about the alleged collapse of his marriage to the saddest princess in the world – We are an easy target

Christian Sperka


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