A resident of Judea and Samaria is suspected of starving her underweight baby daughter


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Parents from Jerusalem were arrested on suspicion of abusing their toddler son who was hospitalized with severe injuries

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() The police claim that "this is In a very serious case of helpless injury with great pain. " "The suspicion that this is Munchausen syndrome through a courier," Jerusalem Justice of the Peace Eitan Cohen noted in his decision. At Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, it was said that the toddler arrived while fed on a Zonda, and despite not gaining weight, continued to vomit and suffered from seizures - which encouraged the medical staff's suspicion.

"This is the most severe case of abuse we have experienced in recent years at the hospital," testified Dr. Eilat Rimon, director The Department of Pediatrics is urgent, which also serves as chair of the Institutional Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse. "I hope that justice will be done to the toddler, and that the authorities' conduct will be such as to ensure that the abuse ceases forever.

Sources involved in the details of the investigation, the father claimed that he did not take care of his baby son properly. He disconnected his son from the devices to which he was connected and thus put him in danger of death.

from Ichilov Hospital It was reported in response that "a father who sells with a medical background abducted his premature son from the crib at the hospital's premature birth. He was hospitalized there, and fled with him despite the staff's opposition outside the ward. He managed to slip out of the hospital with his baby and the baby. The hospital opened an investigation into the incident and reported it to all relevant parties. "

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