Why use the airplane mode of your mobile, even if you don't go by plane


We explain all the advantages of activating the airplane mode on your mobile, some of which, surely, you did not know.

Our Android phone has a large number of functions, some of which we do not take full advantage of that they offer us. One of these features is airplane mode, a tool that allows you to disable all network connections on your phone when traveling by plane, but which can also be really useful when you are not on a plane.

For this reason, below, we are going to explain why you should use the airplane mode of your mobile, although don’t go by plane.

Discover all the advantages of activating airplane mode on your mobile when you are not on a plane

These are all the advantages of using airplane mode on your mobile when you are not traveling

Airplane mode is a function of your smartphone that you only use when you travel by plane, but, surely, you do not know all the advantages of using this functionalitywhen you are on dry land.The 38 best games without Internet or Wi-Fi for Android (2022)

The top five benefits of using airplane mode on your mobile when you are not traveling are the following:

  • Save Battery
  • Fix problems with mobile data
  • Play games without ads
  • Charge your phone faster
  • Access WhatsApp anonymously

Save Battery

One of the main advantages of activating airplane mode when you do not go on a trip is that you can save battery on your mobile when you are not going to use it, since when deactivating all mobile connections the energy consumption will be much lower . This is something really practical when you have a low battery, since you can disconnect all the antennas of the mobile and temporarily reactivate them to check if you have any call or an important message that you must respond to.

Fix problems with mobile data

On certain occasions, mobile data can stop working, something that is really annoying, but that we will be able to fix with a series of simple solutions, among which is activate airplane mode .

Thus, if your mobile has a coverage problem that causes you to not If you don’t have access to the internet if you’re not connected to a Wi-Fi network and you turn airplane mode on and off, all connections will restart and mobile data will work properly again. ectly, at least in most cases.

Play games without ads

Another advantage of activating airplane mode when you are not on a plane is that it will allow you to play certain games without ads, since many of them they only use the network connection to activate the advertising and if you disable network access by turning on airplane mode, you will be able to play these titles much more comfortably, since does not no type of ad will appear.

Charge your phone faster

Activate airplane mode on your mobile when you are not on a flight it will also allow you to reduce loading times, since when disconnecting elements that consume energy, the charge will be completed before. This is very useful when you are away from home and you have a low battery, because by charging the terminal with the airplane mode activated you can reduce the times of charge almost half, even if your smartphone does not have fast charge.

How to hide that you are online or writing a message on WhatsApp

Access WhatsApp anonymously

Finally, the last advantage of using airplane mode when you are not on a plane is that you will be able to access WhatsApp anonymously. This means that you can read the messages that you have pending in the messaging application without anyone knowing that you have done so, because this information will not be sent to the server until you disable airplane mode.

Related topics: Mobile


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