‎Ataa Educational plans 10% capital increase via bonus shares; 10% cash dividend for FY2020/21

29/09/2021 Argaam Exclusive

Ataa Educational Co.’s board of directors recommended, on Sept 28, increasing the company’s capital by 10% through one-for-ten bonus share distribution.

The board also recommended distributing a 10% cash dividend, or SAR 1 per share, for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2021.

Details of Capital Increase

Current Capital

SAR 400 mln

Number of Shares

40 mln

Percentage of Increase

10% (1 share for every 10 shares held)

Capital after Increase

SAR 440 mln

Number of Shares after Increase

44 mln

Method of Increase

Capitalizing SAR 40 mln from the company’s retained earnings account

Reason for Increase

To strengthen the company’s capital base and support its future activities

Dividend Details (FY ended on July 31, 2021)

Current Capital

SAR 400 mln

Number of Shares

40 mln


SAR 40 mln

Percentage of Capital

10% (SAR 1 per share)

Record Date

The end of the second trading day following the general assembly meeting, which will be announced later

Payment Date

To be announced later

In a statement to Tadawul, Ataa Educational said the capital increase through bonus share distribution is subject to approvals from the official authorities and the extraordinary general assembly.

In the case there are any fractional shares, they will be collected into one investment portfolio and sold at a market price within 30 days from the date of determining the allocation of new shares due to each shareholder, the statement noted.

Dividend History

Consolidated cash dividendCash dividend per share (SAR)* The stock price at the beginning of the period (SAR)Return on the base price
Last 3 Financial years 3.00 31.90 9.40 %
Last 5 Financial years N/A N/A N/A
Last 10 Financial years N/A N/A N/A

Based on the beginning of the period (January 1 of the base year)

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