REGIONAL MEDICINE ROOMS: “We lose at least 200 to 300 people every day”

In the 18th Month of the coronavirus pandemic in Turkey Ağrı, Batman, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Muş, Siirt, Şanlıurfa, Şırnak and Van-Hakkari Medical Chambers made a joint statement.

In the statement read by Van-Hakkari Medical Chamber President Hüseyin Yaviç, “The power is discriminatory and Due to the policies that deepen the inequalities, we have experienced the pandemic in the provinces of the region more multiplied, we have paid a higher price,” it was said, and it was recorded that 200 to 300 people died in the region every day due to a preventable disease. In addition, in the joint statement, a call was made for the government to assume a role by using communication methods in Kurdish in order to eliminate the hesitations about vaccination in the region.

The highlights of the statement are as follows:

“Due to the discriminatory policies of the government that deepen the existing inequalities, the region We have experienced the pandemic in a more multifold way in our provinces, and we have paid a higher price. The political power, which avoided fulfilling its social state obligations and preferred to transfer resources in favor of capital, did not fight the pandemic with an integrated strategy for the health of the people.

Daily 200-300 deaths

“As a result of this situation, every day from a preventable and vaccinated disease that has been taken for granted since all pandemic restrictions were lifted, every day We are losing at least 200 to 300 people in numbers. Unprevented deaths due to ineffective epidemic control is a violation of the right to life and social murder. It did not organize an effective communication campaign based on data and information, and even allowed anti-vaccine propaganda.

Kurdish campaign

“The role that the public authority should assume by using healthy communication methods in their mother tongue with a public health perspective has remained insufficient and recessive. It is clear that this has been adopted as a political choice. Once again, we invite the authorities and those responsible to abandon this attitude, to carry out the necessary studies and communication campaigns regarding the vaccine, and to all citizens to be vaccinated as soon as possible for themselves, their loved ones and the whole society, for the days we miss more and for the days we miss.

CLICK – Governor’s Barrier to the 3-lingual vaccination campaign

Healthcare professionals’ rights

“COVID-19 outbreak comes increased inequalities in the distribution of income and deepened unemployment and poverty. Physicians and health workers were also affected by this impoverishment. The losses in our economic and personal rights, which have been increasingly regressed and eroded every year by the “transformation” in health, continued in the process of combating the COVID-19 pandemic, which was burdened by the health workers. Healthcare workers who work devotedly on the verge of extinction are concerned with improvement and pruning, not their personal rights. In these circumstances, COVID-19 is still not defined as an occupational disease in terms of a number of fields and working conditions, especially healthcare workers.

Security investigations

“While the need for physicians increases during the pandemic period, it is unacceptable that newly graduated practitioners and specialist physicians are subject to unlawful security investigations and physicians are not started to work. Permanent state of emergency practices and unjust-unlawful security investigations, which started after the coup attempt on July 15, should be ended immediately, and all health workers dismissed by decree should be reinstated.

Service in mother tongue

“Considering that the majority of the population in our region consists of different ethnicities, primarily Kurds, in order to facilitate access to healthcare, healthcare in mother tongue Providing service is critical. For this reason, the infrastructure of providing health services in mother tongue should be prepared as soon as possible, and people should be given the opportunity to tell their problems in their own language.

“The language of violence and the political atmosphere, which also causes ill health in our country, has turned it into a chaotic environment of violence in the field of health. We remind once again that the end of violence in all areas and the peaceful and democratic solution of the Kurdish problem, which is one of the root causes of almost every problem in our region, including the health field, will be the most rational way.

“As TTB and Medical Chambers, we want to discuss the demands of 175,000 physicians in our country with the Minister of Health. The meeting request requested by the TTB from the Ministry of Health on October 1 is the request of all physicians.”


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