Atlanta Personal Injury And Accident Firm Announces Expansion of Their Service Into Chamblee GA

Atlanta, GA: Cambre and Associates, a well-respected and rapidly growing personal injury law firm based in Atlanta, Georgia, is thrilled to announce the expansion of their service area to incorporate Chamblee, GA. The expansion is the latest in an aggressive and strategic plan to transform the company into the number one specialist personal injury and accident firm in the state of Georgia. 

The company is slowly adding new cities to their service areas, and Chamblee was the next city in line. Chamblee was chosen as it is a thriving and vibrant city with a growing population. Cambre and Associates are focused on providing excellent and aggressive representation for people who have been victims of a personal injury or accident case. As with all areas in which they operate, Cabre and Associates are committed to the local area and will seek to become an asset to the local community. 

“We have been planning to expand our business into Chamblee for a few years, but as with all aspects of our business, we wanted to complete each expansion in a measured and sensible way,” said Michael Goodrich, marketing director for Cambre and Associates. We hold ourselves to the highest standards, and we are not prepared to lower those standards by expanding too aggressively. However, we are now in a position where we are confident that we have the staff and the resources to service Chamblee effectively. We look forward to establishing ourselves within the local community and helping as many people as possible obtain the justice they deserve.” 

Cambre and Associates is a locally owned and operated law firm based in Tucker, GA. The firm consists of six personal injury attorneys from diverse legal backgrounds with previous experience in personal injury law, criminal law, family law, and immigration law. Moreover, some of their lawyers are licensed to practice in multiple states and have been admitted to both state and federal courts across Georgia. The clients of Cambre and Associates benefit from the various unique legal backgrounds that each of their personal injury attorneys has. This aspect of their practice allows clients to benefit from knowing that every personal injury attorney at Cambre and Associates has an extensive amount of education and trial experience. Moreover, the personal injury lawyers at Cambre and Associates have the legal skills necessary to handle cases that involve complex personal injury litigation and that require specialized knowledge of various areas of law such as medical and legal malpractice cases, catastrophic injury claims, and commercial vehicle accident claims. For more information about the company and the services they provide, visit their website at

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