Environmental Disaster: A huge oil spill off California

D A major oil spill off the coast of California caused by a breach in an oil well pipeline has begun moving toward Huntington Beach, and dead fish and birds have been dumped.

This was announced by local and federal authorities, quoted by Reuters.

‘Catastrophic’ California oil spill kills fish, damages wetlands https: // t .co / 6QhqmIKbay pic.twitter.com/WFmX2aCbAH

– Reuters World (@ReutersWorld) October 4, 2021

The leaked about 126,000 gallons of crude oil (about 477,000 liters) spread over about 13 square miles (33.6 square kilometers) after the spot was spotted on Saturday morning. In the words of Katrina Foley, Orange County Administrator, “the impact on the environment is irreversible.”

The beaches in the area are closed for bathing and a local air show has been postponed.

Russia reports huge oil spill in Black Sea

*) Oil spill in the Black Sea, Russia is on high alert

Storm overturned a tanker in the Black Sea

$ 1.4 billion for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Source : Reuters, BTA

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