Peach, domestic 72-hour sale All 34 routes, to stimulate demand after declaration

Peach Aviation (APJ / MM) will hold a 72-hour sale for all 34 domestic routes from 10 pm on September 29th. For the year-end and New Year holidays, we will prepare from 1690 yen one way. For flights to / from Kansai and Narita, prices are often set in the 2000 yen range one way. It will be on sale until 9:59 pm on October 2nd.

Peach to hold a sale for all domestic routes=PHOTO: Tadayuki YOSHIKAWA / Aviation Wire

Boarding period is from October 1st to January 5th, 2022. Depending on the route, there are some exemption dates and non-applicable flights. The lowest price is On the Chubu-Naha route, which will increase flights on October 31, the first day of the winter timetable, it will be sold for 1690 yen. The new Fukuoka-Ishigaki route, which will open on the same day, will also be available from 1990 yen.

For departures and arrivals at Kansai International Airport, the Narita line starts at 2890 yen one way, and the Semmo line and Memanbetsu line start at 2490 yen. From Narita, the Sapporo line starts at 2990 yen, the Fukuoka line starts at 3490 yen, and the Ishigaki line starts at 2990 yen.

Peach opened the Fukuoka-Ishigaki route on October 31, when the winter timetable begins. It will take over the routes operated by All Nippon Airways (ANA / NH), and will also increase the number of existing four Peach routes, centering on routes where ANA flights have decreased. This sale aims to stimulate demand after the state of emergency is lifted.

Related Links
72 hours limited SALE (Peach Aviation)

Fully lifted emergency declaration and protection at the end of September

Note: This article We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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