YB loses 1-0 to Atalanta Bergamo

The Young Boys lost the second match in the Champions League group stage. (Image: Keystone)



The Young Boys lost the second match in the Champions League group stage. The Bernese were defeated at Atalanta Bergamo with 0: 1.

The Young Boys lose the second match in the Champions League group stage . After a long, well-managed but ultimately unsuccessful defensive battle, the Bernese lost 0-1.

It could not go well for the entire season. After the break the pressure from Atalanta got bigger and bigger. The Young Boys could hardly free themselves from their grip and lost the ball while trying to get active themselves, getting closer and closer to their own penalty area. In the 68th minute, a successful dribble by Duvan Zapata against Sandro Lauper provided the preparatory work for Matteo Pessina’s winning goal.

Nothing went for the Young Boys like it did against Manchester United two weeks ago : They could hardly play and act at all. Until they hit the goal, they were constantly busy defending, running into spaces, chasing the ball. They didn’t have time to launch an attack, because Atalanta put pressure on immediately after losing the ball. They defended cleverly, always had a player who could intervene if Atalanta had gained a small advantage in the attacking game. Before the break, there were hardly any dangerous situations to survive for the Swiss champions. An own goal by Sandro Lauper after 17 minutes was canceled due to a previous offside from the VAR.

Elia’s scoring chance

The few liberation actions by the Bernese before the break became even rarer in the second half. Too seldom have they been able to launch an attack properly. If a few passes in a row were made, it was in a safe zone for Atalanta. Offensively, YB managed almost nothing. After the 0: 1, a shot by Christopher Martins, which flew over the goal, was the most dangerous action in Bern Minute the ball and launched Meschack Elia with a perfect pass into the depths. The swirling striker shot past the goal from a good position. A hit at this point in time might have led to a different scenario.

The parades of von Ballmoos

The almost 10,000 spectators in the stadium, which was only half full due to the corona measures, had meanwhile become very quiet during the first half because the attacks by their team were not achieved the desired effect. But Atalanta never let up and put YB under constant pressure until the hit was hit.

The result could have been clearer. Von Ballmoos was the strongest from Bern. The captain parried a conclusion from Zapata after only five minutes and was decisive several times after the break. In the front, Elia, who replaced the injured Christian Fassnacht on the right flank, was the only one who repeatedly put the Atalanta defense into trouble with his speed.

Villarreal in three weeks

The conclusion of the second appearance of the Bernese in the Champions League is less inspiring out than that of the first. But what YB has also proven in Bergamo: David Wagner’s team is hard to beat, even if almost nothing succeeds on the offensive.

On the first away win in the Champions League – In 2018/2019, the Bernese lost at Juventus Turin, Valencia and Manchester United – YB has to wait even after the fourth attempt. The next international appearance is back at home in just under three weeks against the Europa League winner Villarreal.

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