The fastest yet ahead of us? Intel in a processor teaser that reaches 5.5 GHz from the box

Is the i9-12900K will not remain the senior model in the generation for a long time?

Intel is in the midst of a real celebration with Announcement and launch for dozens of processor models in parallel, for the stationary market and also for the mobile market . The contribution of all these products to enriching the supply that will be available to consumers during the coming year can in no way be underestimated, but it is precisely at the top end of the world of performance that the company seems to be left a little vulnerable all the time – took advantage of their on-stage turn at CES 2022 to provide preliminary performance data for the Ryzen 7 5800X3D processor, designed to use its state-of-the-art V-Cache to compare or overshadow On the performance of the i9-12900K leading in the gaming segment.

Intel did not have a new direct response to this challenge for the current show, but it certainly seems to have plans for its own impressive response for the rest of the year – according to a tweet on one of the company’s official Twitter channels documenting a particularly fast future desktop model in action.

Intel chose not to bring The future Mystery Processor with her for the show – but yes she will schedule a tweet that will make it clear to us that for her there is another performance potential that has not been fully produced out of the light As its new hybrid architecture

The tweet did not reveal the name of the model, but did provide a cropped screenshot showing eight powerful Golden Cove cores (or P-Core) and eight cost-effective Gracemont cores (E-Core), operating at 5.2GHz And 4 GHz respectively – with

a core one carrier that jumps forward to 5.5 GHz As what is defined as the next goal of the company’s people. The i9-12900KS, which is supposed to be the icing on the cake for the standard home Alder Lake family, with a further improvement of several hundred MHz compared to frequencies The maximum supported today is the i9-12900K – Turbo frequency support of up to 5.2GHz for all P cores simultaneously and Turbo frequency support Maximum of 5.5GHz for one core one selected (or maybe two selected cores? ), Compared to support for a maximum turbo frequency of 5GHz for all P cores and a maximum turbo frequency of 5. 2GHz for it One today.

chose to mark the i9-12900K as The obvious goal for its fresh advanced work – and we’m not really surprised if the intended i9-12900KS returns the same coin when displayed Improve performance Such a future model is expected to stand at a few percent compared to the Core i9-12900K, when there is a very reasonable chance that the addition to the price and power consumption will not justify the investment for a significant portion of consumers – but still in the strong fight against the best

AMD offer in this category those individual percentages may be significant to consciousness, and therefore likely to be used by in various publications and in direct comparisons with the V-Cache models and with models

Zen 4 future, At least until the Raptor Lake models land towards the end of the year. Will be interesting.

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