Restart of automatic license plate recognition in Brandenburg open

Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) is sticking to the planned reactivation of automatic license plate recognition on motorways despite concerns in the red-black-green coalition. “If our police are to successfully fight and punish organized crime and drug smuggling, they also need the necessary resources,” said Stübgen of the German press agency. For legal reasons, it is not aiming for the previous scope of the controversial instrument. “The possibility of recording would be limited, but still an important aid for the work of the police.”

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The registration number in Brandenburg (Kesy) was found in 2019 when searching for known to Rebecca, who disappeared in Berlin . At Kesy there is the recording for the search for specific offenders and the mass automatic recording. The recording mode the state data protection officer Dagmar Hartge classified 2020 as inadmissible . After that, the police only stored data for a maximum of three months. A new code of criminal procedure has been in force since July 2021. The massive recording of License plate was stopped because, according to the Ministry of the Interior, it is no longer legally covered. Need for discussion and major concerns

The I Interior Minister plans a new legal regulation of the number plate recognition in the recording mode. “So far, the use was justified by the Code of Criminal Procedure , which has been changed ,” said Stübgen. “That’s why we want a state law regulation. There is only a reduced approach that we have worked out very thoroughly. It’s not the old Kesy, but comes very close to the use in danger prevention.” According to the Minister, the planned new regulation is in the preliminary vote. He admitted: “There is still no agreement between the coalition partners. That still takes time.”

The Greens in the state parliament have major concerns. “Nothing has changed in our critical stance on the use of Kesy in recording mode,” said domestic policy spokeswoman Marie Schäffer. The SPD parliamentary group also has a need for discussion: “With regard to the recording mode of the Kesy system, the proportionality must be weighed up in relation to the permanent recording and storage of data against the success of the police investigation,” said SPD domestic politician Inka Gossmann-Reetz . But it is also certain that the data protection concerns of 2.5 million Brandenburgers, more than half of whom have a car, should not be left out here.

The opposition AfD parliamentary group is open to action under certain conditions. “Especially with regard to veil searches and investigations in the area of ​​organized crime, the advantages outweigh the application,” said domestic policy spokeswoman Lena Kotré. The AfD attaches importance to the fact that Kesy has to be legally permissible. In addition, data protection must be given sufficient attention, especially with regard to the storage times.

( bme )

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