Huila, with 257 new cases of Covid-19

by La Nación

The Ministry of Health also confirmed the death of 4 people. Active cases reach 700 in the department.

The Risk Analysis Room for the epidemiological surveillance of the event, reported 257 new cases of Covid19 in 21 municipalities distributed as follows: 141 in the municipality of Neiva, 28 in Garzón, 26 in Pitalito, 15 in San Agustín, 5 in Yaguará, 5 in Gigante, 5 in Guadalupe, 5 in Palermo, 3 in Tarqui, 3 in La Plata, 3 in Tesalia, 3 in Timaná, 3 in Villavieja, 2 in Agrado, 2 in Paicol, 2 in Isnos, 2 in Suaza, 1 in Iquira, 1 in Tello, 1 in Oporapa and 1 in Rivera.

The behavior of hospital occupancy in the Intensive Care Unit at the close of the day was 49% at the departmental level, in the city of Neiva it was 65% , 29% in the municipality of Pitalito and 11% in Garzón.

700 active cases are registered, of which 665 are in ambulatory care at home with isolation recommendation, 17 people are cared for in the general hospitalization service and 18 people are in care

The number of people who died in the department due to SarsCov2 reaches 3,207, the Ministry of Health notified a case of mortality as follows:

• A 60-year-old male person in the municipality of Acevedo.

• An 81-year-old male person in the municipality of Altamira.

• A 79-year-old female person in the municipality of Pitalito.

• A 91-year-old male person in the municipality of Garzón.

To date, 91,092 positive cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed in Huila, of these 86,800 have been recovered.

Huila, con 257 casos nuevos de Covid-19 8 9 enero, 2022

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