Christians are tortured, beheaded and burned in Kenya

In a terrorist attack on a village in the coastal region of Lamu, Kenya, which borders Somalia, suspected militants from the al-Shabaab group tortured and killed at least six Christians , five of which were beheaded.

According to The Christian Post, the attack it happened around four in the morning. Five of the six victims had their hands tied behind their backs before decapitation, and several houses were burned in the vicinity.

“I counted seven houses that were set on fire, four bodies of people burned beyond recognition inside homes. A dead body outside a burned-out house and another decapitated body beside it. Other residents have escaped and the police are still looking for them,” said Pastor Stephen Sila, who was at the scene.

According to the pastor, residents have gathered and are asking questions why security agents weren’t doing enough to protect Christians from being attacked by Somali militants.

“There’s a stalemate now, but more police are coming to catch the bodies and also evacuate those in need of emergency medical care,” he revealed.

Commissioner Macharia described the event as a terrorist attack and said security officers are hunting the militants in a nearby forest, where they may have disappeared after the attack.

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