‘Marvel’s Avengers’ Heads To Xbox Game Pass After Year-Long Sony Deal



For a long while now, it has seemed like one of the best paths forward for Marvel’s Avengers would be appearing on a service like Xbox Game Pass where it could essentially become free-to-play for players. Now, that’s becoming a reality in two days on September 30, according to a just-released blog post.

The past year, while Square Enix’s Outriders had a deal with Xbox, launching that game on Game Pass this spring, Square Enix’s Avengers had a deal in place with Sony, that included advertisements, an eventual feature on PS Now and the promise of a PS-exclusive Spider-Man hero, who is still not out yet.

So what’s going on? Marvel’s Avengers just celebrated its one year anniversary, and my guess is that the Sony deal expired, and as such, they were then allowed to pursue something like this feature on Xbox Game Pass. Spider-Man is still coming, I’ve been told that specific deal with Sony is locked in place and no, he won’t be on Xbox, but the “official” time period of the deal is over.

With Marvel’s Avengers going to Xbox Game Pass, that means a tremendous amount of content is now free. The base game features a very solid campaign that you will now be able to access without a price attached to it, and since the game’s release, there are Kate Bishop, Hawkeye and most recently, a Black Panther campaign that have all been free, they are not paid DLC.



The only paid elements of Marvel’s Avengers are cosmetics, skins, emotes and takedowns, and battle passes for each character that do not expire and also contain skins, emotes and takedowns. And recently, it’s been confirmed that Avengers will be getting content into 2022, which means new heroes past Spider-Man this holiday season, ones that will be available for all platforms.

Marvel’s Avengers remains somewhat perplexing, in terms of its long term fate. The game is widely viewed by many as a failure, in part due to Square Enix itself saying they were disappointed with sales. And yet…it kind of isn’t? Avengers is actually in the top 10 selling NPD games of the year, the only non-sequel, non-franchise IP on the list at all, which is pretty impressive. And that’s why I think it’s continuing to produce content, and make new moves like this Game Pass deal.

I know it’s going to be a very busy fall, but if you have time and don’t want to pay for a game past what you’re already paying for Game Pass, Avengers is an easy recommendation. I’ve already be suggesting it to people when it was on sale for $30 or cheaper, and now that it’s on Game Pass? Absolutely check it out. It has its issues, namely as a long term looter to farm, but the character kits alone are worth the price of admission, and all the heroes are a blast to play as.

Hopefully this is a good sign for the future, and we’ll see what the game holds going forward here.

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