Police: Palestinian woman tries to stab cop in Jerusalem Old City, is shot dead

A Palestinian woman was shot dead as she attempted to stab police officers in Jerusalem’s Old City early Thursday morning, police said.

According to police, the woman approached the officers near the Chain Gate leading to the Temple Mount at around 6:30 a.m., took out a knife and tried to stab them. The officers opened fire, shooting the woman.

“Medical forces who arrived at the scene later pronounced her death,” police said.

None of the officers were injured in the attack, according to police.

The Palestinian woman was said to be roughly 30 years old, from the town of Qabatiya, outside Jenin, in the northern West Bank. It was not immediately clear how she entered Israel.

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Police closed off the area and brought in a sapper to ensure that the woman did not have an explosive device.

Qabatiya and the entire Jenin area have seen a significant rise in violence in recent months, including earlier on Thursday when a Palestinian gunman — allegedly a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group — opened fire at Israeli Border Police officers who were conducting an arrest raid in the town of Burqin outside Jenin and was shot dead.

Earlier this week, Israeli security forces carried out a large-scale series of raids in the Jenin area and elsewhere in the West Bank, targeting a Hamas cell that Israeli security services said they believed were planning to carry out imminent attacks on Israeli targets. Five Palestinians — at least four of whom were later identified as members of terror groups — were killed in clashes with Israeli forces, and two Israeli soldiers were seriously wounded in the exchanges, likely by friendly fire.

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