Employees of Rivne “ambulance” defended the suspect in abuse of the head

Працівники рівненської «швидкої» виступили на захист підозрюваного у зловживаннях керівника Doctors consider it unfair to divide those who deserved and those who did not deserve to pay extra

Employees of the Rivne Regional Center for Emergency Care expressed a collective outrage of police suspicions about the illegality of surcharges for working with coronavirus patients. It is a question of announcement of suspicion to the head of the center Andrey Bortnik in excess of official powers at distribution of 400 thousand UAH of surcharges. On their Facebook page, the ambulance doctors stated that every employee of the service, without exception, has the right and deserved a surcharge.

Outrage of suspicion of incorrect, according to the investigation, payment of UAH 400,000 for work with patients with heartburn patients, employees of the regional center of emergency medical care published on Tuesday, January 11, on their page in Facebook. In their statement, they expressed support for the head of the center Andriy Bortnik, suspected of improper distribution of funds. The investigation believes that the chief doctor ordered to pay a supplement to people who did not come into contact with and could not come into contact with patients with coronavirus. Instead, the staff of the emergency center in their statement claims that the dispatchers, drivers and nurses who received additional payments deserve them.

For us, this position of law enforcement agencies is unclear – doctors, paramedics, drivers, employees of the single operational dispatch service and other employees of the “fast” Rivne region were trained around the clock to save lives. Everyone made their contribution, starting from the dispatchers… and ending with the paramedics, who disinfected the ambulances after each visit to the co-patient patient, ”the doctors argue.

They believe that it is not possible to distinguish between ambulance workers and those who are worth the surcharge and those who do not deserve it. Note that the list of employees entitled to such a surcharge is determined by order of the Ministry of Health. The specific list of those who should receive additional payment is determined by the head of the medical institution by his order.

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