Ronnie Spector, founder of famed girl group The Ronettes, dies of cancer

Efe- Ronnie passed away after a fight against cancer.

Ronnie Spector, singer and founder of the legendary group The Ronettes, died this Wednesday of cancer at the age of 78 in Connecticut, according to her family in a statement.

Ronnie, born and baptized Veronica Yvette Bernett, will be remembered along with her group for her two biggest hits « Be my baby» and «Baby I love you», covered by groups of all styles for decades. The Ronettes, one of the most


“girl groups” in vogue in the 1960s and 1970s, born in the New York neighborhood of Harlem, was formed in 1957 by Ronnie, her sister Esthelle and her cousin Nedra Talley.

A battle against cancer

Much of their fame is due to their association with the famous Phil Spect or, authentic King Midas of pop music, who married Ronnie (hence her married name) in a marriage that lasted until 1972.

“Our beloved earthly angel, Ronnie, left this world today after a brief battle with cancer,” his family reported in a statement.

They also added that “she was (accompanied) by her family and in the arms of her husband, Jonathan.”Family requested discretion

Likewise, they requested privacy at this time and promised “a celebration of Ronni’s life and his music that will be announced later”.

The family states that Ronnie asked that instead of flowers, those who wish to donate to local women’s shelters or to the American Indian College Fund.

«Ronnie lived life with a sparkle in his eye, a proud attitude, a great sense of humor and a smile on his face. ara. She was full of love and gratitude”, concludes the family.

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