Last minute: Another separation in the Super League! Mustafa Denizli's Altay adventure has come to an end

Süper Lig’de bir ayrılık daha!
Süper Lig’de bir ayrılık daha!

In the letter published by the experienced technical man, “As soon as I was called to duty last April, I left everything aside and returned to my city and home. At the end of the year, as we deserved We went to the Super League

and experienced the greatest happiness.This season is very good in Super League We started and we were happy, but the results we got later saddened us and our community. We held a meeting with our president on these results. Our president said that it would be more appropriate for me not to continue on these conditions. I said, ‘Explain what you think. The important thing is that our club is good, the rest is details.’ I said. I stated that if we can make 1-2 transfers, we can overcome this situation. My life has passed with such struggles, and even though I said that we can overcome this, nothing has changed. We met once or twice and the result did not change. It is no longer possible to continue in such an environment.” )

“Now, an obligation to make a statement has arisen. I think that our community will be harmed by these uncertainties and it is unnecessary to prolong it. This is an incredibly difficult but necessary task for me. explanation.” The letter containing the statements went as follows:

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