Billie Faiers left devastated as £1.4 million home STILL won’t be ready in time for Christmas

BILLIE Faiers has been left devastated as her £1.4 million home STILL won’t be ready in time for Christmas.

Work on their five-bed mansion is now underway after the former TOWIE star and her husband Greg were first refused planning permission last year.

Billie and Greg's new show kicks off on ITV tonight


Billie and Greg’s new show kicks off on ITV tonightCredit: Rex

The former Towie stars let fans into their renovations as they build their dream home


The former Towie stars let fans into their renovations as they build their dream homeCredit: CLICK NEWS AND MEDIA

Now the couple will give fans a glimpse inside their massive refurbishments at the dream home they bought in Brentwood, Essex, in 2020 on their exciting new ITVBe show Billie & Greg: The Family Diaries.

Speaking exclusively to The Sun before the first show airs tonight at 9pm, businessman Greg, 35, confirmed their hopes of a family Christmas in their new pad were dashed, saying: “One million percent we won’t be in the house this Christmas.”

Billie, 31, was optimistic for a 2022 move in date, adding: “We think spring next year. “

Speaking about what their fans can expect from their show, Greg said: “Everything with the house. The kids are finding their new hobbies and we’ve got new work commitments.”

Billie said fans will see an emotional side to her too as she takes care of her brood Nelly, seven and Arthur, four.

The My Babiie pram designer said: “It follows our lives and there are lots of highs and lows. We’re very open and we share everything that goes on behind closed doors with the kids. 

“Holidays! There is so much variety. It has covered our lives over the whole year. 

“I am actually really excited. I feel like it has come around so quickly. We’ve been filming since May.

“And now all of a sudden it’s here! I’m really excited. I feel a bit nervous because it’s our first show and we hope everyone enjoys it as much as they enjoyed The Mummy Diaries!”

Billie & Greg: The Family Diaries starts tonight (Wednesday) at 9pm on ITVBe and ITV Hub

Billie and Greg's adorable kids Nelly and Arthur star in their show


Billie and Greg’s adorable kids Nelly and Arthur star in their showCredit: Instagram

The duo get hands on with their home renovation


The duo get hands on with their home renovationCredit: Rex

The family have been through ups and downs to get their dream home


The family have been through ups and downs to get their dream homeCredit: CLICK NEWS AND MEDIA

Billie Faiers and Greg Shepherd get a roof on as their new £1.4m Essex mansion renovation takes shape

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