Rating: Yellow lights on Telefe due to the growth of eltrece

Two cycles of the Constitución channel won prime time slots, and El Zorro, the old series, tied with Florencia Peña at noon

For the first time so far this summer, yellow lights were turned on in Telefe, due to the growth of eltrece and the slow decline in audience of MasterChef Celebrity, the most watched cycle of the Buenos Aires open TV. On Wednesday night, the channel from the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Constitución gave the bump of surpassing Telefe in two prime time slots: The 8 steps of the million reached 12.4 points, and beat Por el mundo, which reached 11.2. MasterChef beat Los 8 escalones del million by 15.1 against 12. But La 1-5/18, Polka’s novel in eltrece, reached 11 points against Around the world, in the second stage, he reached 9.5 points.

Rating: El Zorro tied with Florencia Peña

At noon on Wednesday, during the first hour he led Team Flor, with Florencia Peña on Telefe, with 5.5 , but after 12:30 El Zorro, at eltrece, went ahead with 5.8. Finally the Flor cycle touched at 5.9. The final average gave Telefe the winner but on the third day of heads-up the difference was shortened at noon. In the afternoon, Zuleyha on Telefe prevailed, in the direct competition, with a peak of 10.7 points while the cycle of games 100 Argentines say, in eltrece, it scored 6 .7 points.

Confirmed: Jey Mammon arrives at Telefe

The speculations are over. After his separation from América TV, where in the midst of the pandemic he showed off with Stellita at home and Los Mammones, a cycle of humor, interviews and music that became one of the great successes of 2021, Jey Mammon confirmed his pass to Telefe. Although the signal had already begun to promote its incorporation by 2022, only in the last few hours, the artist spoke about it. “Happy to be a part!!! Here we go,” he wrote on his Twitter account. It is not the first time that he has worked in the channel of the balls, since in 2012 and 2013 he was part of the staff of La Pelu, the cycle that hosted Florencia de la V, He participated in the two editions of Your face sounds to me, co-hosted Marley’s ship and put himself in the shoes of the historical character Don Mateo in one of the latest versions of Don Mateo’s hairdresser. Mammon returns with an extensive journey through which he became a coveted figure for open TV in Buenos Aires. On December 23, he said goodbye to Los Mammones, despite the fact that the repetitions of the program continued. “We are going to work to maintain in 2022 a space for music, humor, good energy for viewers, who are the most important actors in this story,” he advanced. And although at first he assured that he would only dedicate himself to recording his album of duets and doing theater, he still has to define what his next television project will be. In principle, he could lead La Peña de Morfi on Sundays together with Jésica Cirio and Soledad Pastorutti, who will officially join the program, and it is also rumored that he may be in charge of another entertainment cycle in the style of the British show James Corden, who the Carpool: Karaoke segment, he picks up celebrities and interviews them on a car ride where they also sing. América TV needs a replacement and as reported by Ángel de Brito in Los Angeles de la Mañana, they tested El Polaco, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Topa and Dolores Barreiro to lead a cycle of the style of Los Mammones, but it is not yet defined.

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