Georgia: ex-president Saakashvili transferred to prison again

Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, now leader of the opposition, was returned to his prison on Thursday, December 30 from the military hospital where he was being treated after a hunger strike, the prison service said of Georgia.

To read also Georgia: ex-president Saakashvili transferred to a military hospital

Arrested on October 1 on his return from eight years of exile in Ukraine, Mr. Saakachvili refused to eat for 50 days, in protest against his imprisonment for a conviction for abuse of power, the political nature of which he denounces. This 54-year-old pro-Westerner, at the head of his country from 2004 to 2013, began to eat again after being transferred at the end of November to a military hospital in Gori (east).

A weakened state of health

The detainee Mikheïl Saakashvili is in the penitentiary establishment number 12 ”, said Thursday the Georgian Prison Service, thus announcing his return to the Roustavi prison, about thirty kilometers from the capital Tbilisi. A deputy of the ruling Georgian Dream Party, David Sergeyenko, assured the press that, according to the military hospital, Mikheil Saakashvili’s state of health was “ stabilized ”.

Nika Gvaramia, Mikheïl Saakachvili’s lawyer, however asserted that his client had the same weight when leaving the hospital as when he was hospitalized after the hunger strike. “ He is weak, he is stunned “, Nika Gvaramia told reporters , by specifying that an announcement had to be Friday on the state of health of his client.

Read also Georgia: Saakashvili lays down conditions to end his hunger strike

An independent council of doctors indicated in December that the former president was still suffering from serious neurological disorders, according to them a consequence of ill-treatment suffered in detention. The arrest of this opposition figure exacerbated the political crisis resulting from last year’s legislative elections in Georgia, marked by fraud according to the opposition, and it also sparked the largest anti-government protests in 10 years. Human rights defenders accuse the Georgian government of using criminal prosecution to punish political opponents.

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