The Catholic Caritas facilitated the schooling of nearly ten thousand children

Grants / 26 minutes

For eleven years now, the government has been pursuing an economic policy that focuses on job creation instead of aid, stressed Péter Szijjártó.

“Time passes, but the pain in our hearts does not subside, tears flow out of our eyes every day. You live in us forever for a lifetime, and you take care of us from above.” We commemorate the 5th anniversary of the death of ISTVÁN SZABÓ: his loving wife, two daughters, 2 sons and five grandchildren Márkó, Szabina, Dávid, Mira and Zétény.

“You went the way you lived, modestly, rest your dear soul in peace! ” We would like to inform all those who knew and loved that ISTVÁN BÖRÖNTE SÁNDOR, a resident of Round Church, had died at the age of 72. His burial will be on October 1, 2021, at 3 p.m., in the Round Church Cemetery. Instead of any separate notice. Please do not condemn. The grieving family.

We would like to thank all those who attended the funeral of IMRE GUBACSI, placed a wreath and flowers on his grave, and felt with us in our deep pain. The grieving family.

“You went the way you lived, in silence and modesty. Rest on your dear soul in peace!” We would like to inform all those who knew and loved that ISTVÁN BÖRÖNTE SÁNDOR, a resident of Round Church, had died at the age of 72. His burial will be on October 1, 2021, at 1 p.m., in the Round Church Cemetery. Instead of any separate notice. Please do not condemn. The grieving family.

“I say goodbye, I say goodbye, this land is no longer my home. I say goodbye, I say goodbye, but I leave my heart here forever.” We announce with deep pain that my beloved husband, our dear good father, our grandfather DR. STEFANCSIK RAJMUND, retired vice-president of the Bács-Kiskun County Court, judge of the college, died silently on September 27, 2021, in the 86th year of his life among his loved ones. The grieving family.

“You have struggled, but you can no longer, silence embraces and love. Only those who are forgotten, live forever, who are truly loved die.” The Mourning Family informs all those who knew and loved that GÁBOR BUJDOSÓ, a resident of Lajosmizse, died on September 22, 2021, at the age of 77. On September 30, 2021, at 12:45 p.m., we will accompany our dear dead on his last trip to the Lajosmizsei cemetery according to a civil ceremony. Please do not condemn.

With a heart full of pain, we inform our relatives, friends and acquaintances that our mother, MIHÁLYNÉ KECSKEMÉTI Krisztina Bujdosó, passed away on August 29, 2021, at the age of 91, after a long suffering. His farewell after cremation will be on October 1, 2021, at 2 p.m., at the Friends Church as part of Mass. Please bear their grace with a thread of flowers. Zsolt and Rita

“Perceiving the incomprehensible is very painful and difficult. Love and memory are in our hearts forever.” We remember with a sore heart the 2nd anniversary of the death of Mária LÁSZLÓNÉ Márkus Márkus. His loving family.

“You went the way you lived, in silence and modesty. Rest on your dear soul in peace!” We inform you with deep pain to all those who knew and loved that ISTVÁNNÉ SZOMMER, a resident of Amália Farkas, had died at the age of 86. His burial will be on October 1, 2021, at 11:00 am in the Ágegyegyháza cemetery. Instead of any separate notice. Please do not condemn. The mourning family.

“My life was like a beautiful summer, my life was over. My death came so suddenly, I couldn’t even say, God is my family with you.” We announce with deep pain that my beloved husband, our father, our grandfather, PÁL FARKAS, a resident of Kecskemét, died suddenly at the age of 65. His burial will take place on September 30, 2021, at 3 pm in the Kecskemét Public Cemetery. Please do not condemn. The grieving family

We would like to inform you with a sore heart that ISTVÁNNÉ OCSKÓ Zsuzsanna Detre, a former female hairdresser, passed away at the age of 80. His ashes will be laid to rest on September 30, 2021, at 1 p.m., in the Rókus Cemetery in Baja. The grieving family.

“There was nothing in your heart but goodness and love, work and struggle your whole life.” We inform all those who knew and loved that ISTVÁNNÉ ZOLLER Ilona Micsonai, a resident of Kecskemét, died at the age of 67, in deep pain. His funeral will take place on September 29, 2021, at 3 pm in the Kecskemét Public Cemetery. Please do not condemn. The mourning family.

“I went because I had to go, but in the depths of your heart I will be with you forever.” We inform with deep pain to all those who knew, respected and loved that PÁL LAKOS passed away on September 17, 2021, at the age of 75. His farewell after cremation will take place on October 1, 2021, at 9.45 in the Kecskemét Public Cemetery. Please do not condemn. We hereby thank all those who appear at the farewell to share in our pain. The grieving family.

“I left because I had to go, but I will be with you deep in your heart.” We remember with a sore heart the first anniversary of the death of TIBOR ŐRI. Loving wife, family, relatives.

We inform all those who knew and loved that Jr. KÁROLY TÚRI-KISS, a resident of Kecskemét, died at the age of 46. His burial will take place on September 30, 2021, at 11.45 in the Kecskemét Public Cemetery. Please do not condemn. The grieving family.

“You are not waiting for us with bright eyes, You are not happy for us with your loving heart. Months may pass, years may pass, We love you from the heart, and we will not forget You.” We inform all those who knew and loved JÓZSEF NAGY, a former resident of Nyárlőrinc, who died suddenly at the age of 67. We will accompany you on your last trip on September 29, 2021, at 10:00 am in the Nyárlőrinc Public Cemetery. Instead of any separate notice. Please do not condemn. Thank you for attending the funeral. The grieving family.

We inform all those who knew and loved that JÁNOS BREZINA died in the 80th year of his life with deep pain. His farewell after cremation will take place on September 29, 2021, at 3 pm in the church of St. Nicholas (Friends) in Kecskemét. Please pay their respects with 1 strand of flowers. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last journey. The mourning family. The earthly remains of our unforgettable dead will be laid to rest on September 28, 2021, at 9.45 am in the Kecskemét Public Cemetery, according to the ceremony of the Roman Catholic religion. Your precious memory lives in our hearts! The grieving family.

“What a precious treasure a Father knows only to those who no longer have it. Bless my dear good heart, Father, thank you that he may have been my Father!” We remember with a sore heart the 10th anniversary of the death of ISTVÁN FRICSKA. Daughter and grandchildren

I would like to thank Dr. István Bozóy, Chief Physician of the Lung Department of Bács-Kiskun County Hospital, and Dr. Andrea Vágási and all the staff of the department for their conscientious work. Mrs. Józsefné Keresztes


with goat / gallery / 48 minutes

István Hraskó

Goat / 54 minutes

István Hraskó

with Kiskunfélegyháza / gallery / 1 hour

Vajda Piroska

Illegal immigration / 1 órája

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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