The scale of co-aircraft disturbance broke a record! 52 sorties broke into our southwest airspace and the possible missions of the communist early warning aircraft exposed

The explosive amount of co-op is here again! The Air Force Command issued a message earlier, confirming that on the 4th, a large number of shared aircraft invaded the airspace around me. The total number of aircraft reached 52, which was the highest record of the military’s single-day disturbance to Taiwan and shared aircraft since September 17 last year; Continue to respond with standard procedures such as dispatching air forces, broadcasting to drive away, and anti-aircraft missile tracking and surveillance.

Daily major news notification

According to According to the “Air Situation Status in Southwestern Airspace” report issued by the Air Force Command, there were 34 J-16s, 2 Sukai-30s, 2 Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, and 2 Air Police-500 aircrafts during the day on the 4th. 12, H-6 aircraft appeared in the southwest corner of our air defense identification zone, a total of 52 aircraft, the number of disrupted aircraft in a single day hit a new high, our side continued to send air troops to respond, broadcast expulsion, anti-aircraft missile tracking and surveillance, etc. Standard procedures shall be handled. For 4 consecutive days since the 1st, not only has the total number of planes disturbed the Taiwan show a “only more, not the most” situation, plus 52 planes on 4 days, the total number of disturbed Taiwan planes has reached 145 in just 4 days, and it seems that one shot is impossible. The trend of packing up.

AWACS may comprehensively hold the air situation at a far distance

From the schematic diagram of the shared flight track disclosed with the report, it is shown from China that there was no shared flight on the 4th. Take off from the southeast coastal area, the altitude was concentrated in the southwest air defense identification zone, and after flying a considerable distance, it flew back along similar routes. Recently, some models often fly all the way to the southeast air defense identification zone, but there is no such situation. . Checking the past information, when there is a combination of bombers and a large number of fighters, it is to simulate the bombing of the enemy. In recent days, the Communist Army has continuously sent dozens of various types of fighters. In demonstrating the ability of a continuous attack by a powerful military force, another early warning aircraft is the farthest away from our island, and it may be a deployment that comprehensively grasps the air situation at a far distance.


Except 1st is China National Day, plus my Double Ten National Day is approaching, The series of actions to share the plane obviously have the purpose of transmitting politics and displaying military power. Whether the flight intensity will be maintained in the future will be slowed down, and the outside world is highly concerned.

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