Not even Apple can get away with it! VR helmet only in 2023

2022 should be a simply brutal year for Apple, with the launch of several ‘refresh’ to key ranges, as well as some innovative products in between. But… Things seem to be going wrong for the North American giant.

After all, the long-promised helmet of virtual reality and augmented reality, seems to be about to suffer a delay.

Even Apple can’t get away with it! VR helmet only in 2023

So it seems that Apple is working on the its virtual reality helmet since 2015. The objective is not to offer something similar to what is already on the market, but an innovative product, capable of being integrated into the user’s life, with the potential to replace the smartphone in the very near future.

However, due to some problems in the last stages of development, close to the production of the final model, the helmet will end up delayed, until at least 2023. Where is the problem? Apparently in software and cameras. As if that wasn’t enough, the helmet seems to overheat too much for comfortable use. The overheating seems to come from one of the device’s chips, which apparently will have a processing power very similar to a high-performance laptop.

Despite the delay, the price already seems to be fixed… In 2000€.

Also, what do you think about all this ? Interested in Apple VR? According to some analysts, it will be a product capable of replacing the iPhone within a few years. Can you imagine this reality? Share your opinion with us in the comments below.


Nuno Miguel Oliveira

Since I was very young I was interested in computers and technology in general, I had my first PC at 10 and at 15 I built my first tower, since then I never stopped. Whatever technology, I’m in the front row to find out more.

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