Meta lost its communications leader

John Pinet has already left the company

Meta загуби лидера на комуникациите си Photo: Nick Otto / Bloomberg

John Pinet, head of communications at Facebook’s parent company Meta Platforms, is leaving the organization, the technology giant was quoted as saying by Reuters. Chris Norton, vice president of international communications, will take up the post temporarily, a Meta spokesman said in an email to the news agency. “John Pinet has left Meta. We are grateful for his positive contribution during an intensive and significant period in the company’s history and wish him success in the future, “the statement added. The spokesman declined to say why Pinet had resigned, citing Meta’s policy of not commenting on personal matters. Pinet was appointed Vice President of Global Communications in April 2019. According to the company’s website. Prior to joining, he was in charge of communications at Gates Ventures, Bill Gates’ private office and innovation lab for five years. He has also been Google’s Head of Communications for the Asia-Pacific region. He has also held a number of senior positions in Microsoft’s corporate communications.

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