[Slideshow] In Annecy, the roboticist Omron presents his vision of the factory of the future

It was in its Annecy technical center dedicated to mobile robotics and cobotics that the company kicked off, on December 15, a “Roadshow” which will be presented in several countries. Europe in 2022. The demonstration features 5 AMR autonomous mobile robots (3 units with a payload of 60 kg, 1 unit of 250 kg and, the roboticist’s latest, a platform that can carry 1.5 tonnes) coordinated at two cobotic arms. Thanks to their Lidar and their on-board odometers, the AMRs position themselves with an accuracy of 8 mm in front of the conveyor belts and receive the boxes handled by the cobots. Tasks loop seamlessly. This skillfully choreographed ballet took just a few minutes to set up, says Omron. “The warehouse is mapped using lidar, by walking the AMR using a joystick, explains Benjamin Fourdrinier, Omron’s EMEA technical manager. We then define navigation rules on the map and the rest is left to the intelligence of the robot”. Ease of installation that could appeal to sectors wishing to robotize without modifying the configuration of their factory.

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